Acne treatments at Dermalaser Med Spa

What is acne?

Acne is a chronic (on-going or recurring) inflammatory condition of the skin. Acne is caused by sebaceous oil glands in our follicles, and these glands are very sensitive to sex steroid hormones. Androgen hormones such as testosterone increase the production of sebum while estrogens can inhibit it. Although testosterone is often called a male sex hormone, it is important to understand that women also have testosterone, normally not as much. Those suffering with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have increased levels of androgens and are more likely to suffer with oily skin and acne.

This skin condition can be triggered by hormonal changes, dietary changes, stress, certain medicines and much more. In the case of diet, acne may be triggered by dairy, sugars, refined grains and fried foods. In conclusion it is very important to learn the root cause of your acne to better understand what esthetic treatments are best to combine along with lifestyle changes.

Types of Acne:

Whiteheads : also called “closed comedones” , the most common type of acne, appear on the skin as small or medium bumps, usually whitish or skin-tone in color.   

Blackheads: also called “open comedone”, blackheads are caused by clogged pores. Unlike whiteheads, those clogs of oil and skin cells are open to the air. The clogs change color when they come into contact with oxygen, which gives them their dark appearance.

Papules: Acne papules are the swollen red bumps that so many of us imagine as “typical” breakouts. Like other acne blemishes, papules develop when excess oil and dead skin cells clog your pores. Pressure builds up in the blocked pore and can cause the walls of your pore to rupture, spreading bacteria into the surrounding skin.

Cysts: Cysts are another form of severe acne that forms far below the surface of your skin. Like nodules, cysts resemble deep, red lumps. But unlike nodules, cysts are filled with pus or other liquids and feel soft to the touch. Either way, they can be very tender and painful.

The best acne treatment for you depends on what type of acne you have, At Dermalaser we offer a variety of treatments for acne.

Acne Facial: facials are a great way to deeply clear out the pores by using manual extractions to remove impurities from the follicles while detoxing and purifying the skin with active ingredients. Monthly treatments are recommended and facials are best for mild to moderate breakouts.

*Try our Acne Facial. Monthly treatments recommended for better results.

Chemical peels:  helps to clear acne and prevent future breakouts by changing the information of the skin and killing acne causing bacteria. Superficial and medium depth peels are available depending on the type and severity of the acne. The best is a peel with a combination of acids for better results. These acids are Glycolic acid, salicylic acid, Lactic acid, Jessner’s solutions, mandelic acid and much more.

*Companies we work with: VI Peels & PCA Peels, combine monthly facials with Chemical peel to achieve faster results.

IPL Photofacial: uses heat to quickly dry and kill bacteria deep in the follicle, while at the same time reducing redness and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

*Combine IPL photofacial with an acne Facial for maximum results.

Laser Skin Rejuvenation: Laser gently heats the upper dermis which kills acne causing bacteria while simultaneously treating redness and early scars caused by acne in the skin. By destroying the bacteria and minimizing pore size, we can effectively stop the process that leads to the formation of pimples, nodules, and inflammation.

*Laser skin Rejuvenation and IPL photofacial may be combined for ultimate results.

LED Light Therapy: LED light therapy works by killing acne-causing bacteria at the source, deep beneath the skin’s surface. If you are looking for a chemical free solution LED is for you. 3 weekly 30 minute treatments are recommended for ultimate results, this treatment has zero downtime and zero pain.

*LED Light therapy may be combined with all other treatments above for maximum results.

Book your in person or virtual consultation with us today to learn more about our services and what is best for you to achieve clean and clear skin.

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